Skyscrapers Tutorial
Read Puzzle Instructions
This video provides a quick and easy way to understand how Skyscrapers puzzles should be solved. The 61 step movie presents a Classic Skyscrapers 5x5 puzzle being solved from beginning to end, one-step at a time.
Tic-Tac-Logic rules Conceptis Tic-Tac-Logic is a single-player puzzle based on Tic-Tac-Toe, a pencil-and-paper game many of us used to enjoy as children. Using pure logic and requiring no math to solve, these addictive puzzles offer endless fun and intellectual entertainment to puzzle fans of all skills and ages. Tic-Tac-Logic puzzles come in many sizes and range from very easy to moderately difficult taking anything from five minutes to several hours to solve. However, make one mistake and you'll find yourself stuck later on as you get closer to the solution... If you like Sudoku, Kakuro and other logic puzzles, you will love Conceptis Tic-Tac-Logic as well! In addition to the descriptions below a tutorial page is also provided. Classic Tic-Tac-Logic Each puzzle consists of a grid containing X's and O's in various places. The object is to place X or O in remaining squares so there are no more than two consecutive X's or O's in a row or a column, the number of X's is the same as the number of O's in each row and column, and all rows and columns are unique. |
Logic Puzzles are provided courtesy of
Tic-Tac-Logic Tutorial
Read Puzzle Instructions
This video provides a quick and easy way to understand how Tic-Tac-Logic puzzles should be solved. The 42 step movie presents a Classic Tic-Tac-Logic 6x6 puzzle being solved from beginning to end, one-step at a time.
Nurikabe Instructions
This page explains how to complete Nurikabe interactive puzzles.
Nurikabe puzzles can be played interactively on the computer, offering many features and advantages compared to pencil and paper. This section explains everything about how to play Nurikabe on the computer.
Drawing walls and creating islands
Nurikabe Interactive is played by drawing walls between clues to create islands. First click fills the square to indicate it is part of the wall, second click marks a dot to indicate the square is part of an island and third click brings the square back to its original state. Multiple squares may be filled or dotted by dragging the mouse.
Completing clues
When all walls around a clue and its associated dots are accounted for, the clue and dots will change color to indicate it is completed.
All game functions are accessed through the toolbar. For some toolbar buttons, keyboard shortcut keys are also available as listed below. Toolbar may be positioned horizontally or vertically using the rotate button on the left edge, and relocated anywhere in the game by dragging its frame.
Zoom in
Enlarge small puzzles for best viewing on your screen.
Zoom out
Reduce large puzzles for best fit on your screen.
Undo (Keyboard: U)
Go back as many steps in the game as you want.
Redo (Keyboard: R)
Go forward after using Undo as many steps as you want.
Mark square (Keyboard: spacebar)
Marking squares is a useful feature when trying to determine what the content of one or more squares should be. When in the Mark square mode, first click marks a square with a question mark and second click unmarks the square by removing the question mark. Multiple squares may be marked or unmarked using click and drag.
Clear marks (Keyboard: delete)
Clear all marked squares at once.
Restart puzzle
Restart puzzle to solve from the beginning.
Check puzzle (Keyboard: C)
Check all filled and blanked squares for errors.
Show elapsed solving time.
Show solution
Show solution of the puzzle. Using this button will also end the game.
Open Preferences dialog box. New preferences will be automatically saved on the computer.
- Show conflicts: Check this box to automatically show conflicts in walls and islands during the game.
- Show island size: Check this box to show the size of the island which the mouse is pointing at.
- Highlight islands and walls: Check this box to highlight islands and walls which the mouse is pointing at.
- Sound on: Check this box to turn sound on.
Open About dialog box to see puzzle size, difficulty, ID, title and other information.
Open Nurikabe Interactive page you are reading now.
Print options
Open Print dialog box. New print options will be automatically saved on the computer.
- Puzzle: Select to print puzzle.
- Solution: Select to print solution.
- Current state: Select to print current solution state.
- Preferred image scale: Reduce or enlarge printout.
- Attempt to reduce to page: Check this box to fit large puzzles on a single page. When this box is unchecked, large puzzles will print in multiple pages according to selected scaling.
- Attempt to enlarge to page: Check this box to fit small puzzles on a whole page. When this box is unchecked, small puzzles will print according to selected scaling.
- Select optimal orientation: Check this box to automatically select puzzle orientation.
Save puzzle (Keyboard: S)
Save current state of the puzzle.
Logic Puzzles are provided courtesy of